My Oriental Garden goes life!

We are proud to announce our webstie is up and running. This website will be our online source for real life Japanese garden oriented products like Japanese bridges, Japanese patios, prefabricated Japanese buildings and Japanese decorations for the Japanese Garden.


Friday, April 2, 2010

A Samurai Castle (Inside Story)

This book on samurai castles of the 16th and 17th centuries covers details of their construction, history, and the life and times of their inhabitants. Each double-page spread provides a paragraph or two on a particular aspect of the era (e.g., elegant interiors, castles and towns, entertaining visitors, women's lives, arms and armor) and detailed, informative full-color illustrations. Brief descriptions of some famous samurai are included...

Type: Book
Author: Fiona Macdonald
More Info: A Samurai Castle (Inside Story)